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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life and it's challenges

In life we are faced with many challenges, some of us, worse then others. The process of dealing with the challenges, is what determines where we end up as a result.
Sometimes I find myself judging people....maybe they were rude, or maybe they just said or did something that I reacted to, but, I often take pause and wonder, what is or has happened in that persons life that has caused them to be the way they are, or act the way they do? I've discovered through being conscious of my own reactions, that when I am in a bad place emotional, I sometimes act, or react consistently with my mood.
It's only when I force myself to be aware, and mindful of how I react in those times that I see things from a very different perspective. My bad, is someone else's good, and my ok, is someone else's great...the same can be said for the flip side, but the point is that regardless of what we are facing in our life, and how difficult, or painful it may be, it can always be worse, and furthermore, when we project our emotions onto others, we are not only creating a perception of how they think of us, but, we may also be negatively affirming how they already feel.
It's great to talk things out, and look to others to vent out our feelings, and life problems, but, we have to remember that we also need to be considerate, and open to hear their advice, or if nothing else, be grateful they took the time to listen. We should never go around acting like we are the only person who has issues, or challenges, because in the bigger picture we never stop in those moments to think how good our bad really is.

Someone told me that their ipod was recently stolen, while I truly believe that stealing should be punishable by death, I also thought to myself "is this the worst thing you have going on in your life?" That same day I had a tire blow out on the highway on my way into work, and some serious family issues that had just came up...but, I listened...I didn't feel the need to one-up this person, and what they felt was a terrible situation with my issues, but I said

"sometimes people steal, you have to use common sense, and do your best to protect you possessions, but even then that sometimes isn't enough, so, just look around, see if you left it somewhere and just forgot, and in the meantime, remember, that karma is very real, and hopefully if nothing else, the person that took your ipod had nothing else, and it will bring them joy that they otherwise wouldn't have had...but still, they will eventually pay for it someday"

I tried to find something positive, and it seems like we are pre-programmed to assume the worst in everything.
A few days later, that same person told me they found their ipod, and they felt bad about assuming someone had stolen it...but, truth be told, we like to think the worst before we even consider any other possibilities...
This brings me back to the challenges, and reactions we have when Things seem to be crashing down around us...I have learned that it is imperative to stop, take pause, think of the bad, but also the good, consider all sides of the situation, and find a way to accept that in order for us to ever have a good day, or a good anything, we must also accept and appreciate the bad too...
how can you know what one is if you haven't ever experienced the other?

Lastly, we as people,don't need to blame, take out our frustrations, and our challenges on other people, especially if we don't know where they are in their own life, and assuming is nothing more then a guess, and we all know guessing is a mostly hit but more often a miss game that we play.
Try to consider your impact on the world around you, and look for the good when you are spending all of your time seeing the bad....sometimes, the solution to the problem is clear, but we are too distracted to see, today, open your eyes, and while you are awake, try to also be might just end up seeing that the only thing you truly can control is yourself. Use your power wisely. If you're going to assume, try assuming the best, and not just the worst.


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