I've been in a neutral position for awhile now, and that has to change.
I've made so much progress in my life, but as I told a friend recently, this will all be a waste if I don't use what I've learned and experienced for something purposeful.
I have no idea what shape or form that will ultimately take, but I do know that if I don't do something now, it will be too late. I don't want to have a life of regret...not that I do now, but...I have to move it forward.
I'm sure the hands that I have been dealt kept me in a holding pattern.
I made those choices, and they have served as necessary life experiences, but, being aware without utilizing what I have been given is a life not lived, and if I do nothing, I will have literally amounted to nothing.
I have a very clear view on how I see myself, and now the goal is living my life consistant with that.
I've had many downs, and some not so very high ups, but I wouldn't change anything because it is those things that have made me who I am, and regardless of how I dealt with things, and when I was wrong, and more wrong, I know now that I can make it right.
I've learned, and I accept my mistakes, and shortcomings, and also the good things about myself too.
I've decided that I won't be using other peoples opinions of me to determine where I go, or what I do...one of the most important lessons has been how disappointing people can be, and why its important to follow my own heart...even people with the best of intentions don't know what's right for anyone but themself, and certainly not me.
I may fall flat on my face....take 2 steps back...end up as the president. The journey is my objective, not the destination.
I believe we are here for a reason...a purpose, and even if I don't have a fully articulated goal of the end result, I can still go forward...The only true navigation system that I have is my heart, and I've learned the hard way the price of going against it.
In closing, my goal is to change the world for the better...I will make mistakes, I will go off track from time to time, and I may also fail several hundred times along the way, but, I will get there...I will get there!
"It doesn't matter how slow you go, so long as you do not stop."- Confucius
ReplyDeleteThe first time I read your blog, I pegged you as an idea man. Someone who has big dreams, big goals, big ideas that are just bound to succeed. The world has dreamers and do'ers. One could not exist without the other. It's a rarity that you find someone who does both.
You've come so far, and with each thing that "knocks you down", you get back up and learn a lesson and take that with you. As long as you learn a lesson from each experience, then you're golden.
I know you're not letting other people's opinions dictate who you are or where you're going, but it's worth saying that you're amazing...and you're going places. I can't predict the future, or how long we'll be friends (though I hope it's a long time!), what I do know is that I'm really excited to be witnessing this journey of yours.
I can't wait to see where you go.